About Us
Have you ever noticed that:
women feature rarely in organ recital series?
the vast majority of organ association directors and members are male?
few women musicians hold cathedral, collegiate and church positions?
The Society of Women Organists (SWO) is dedicated to celebrating
women organists in all areas of music-making.
Our Vision
We will live in a world where women and men experience equal training, opportunities and encouragement, resulting in confident, ambitious and passionate players.
Our Mission
Our key objectives are to:
Support all women organists;
Promote women's activities in the organ world;
Recruit girls and women of all ages and backgrounds to study the organ.
Our Values
We are inclusive, empowering, challenging and open-minded. While supporting a meritocracy, we believe in giving girls and women an equal chance to excel as organists and succeed in the profession.
If you share our values then why not join us - membership is free!
Contact Us
If you would like to contact us with queries please send an email to our General Secretary, Barbara Kennedy, via societyofwomenorganists@gmail.com.